
剃零科技是独立潮玩个护新品牌,创始人曾表示: TIO要做的不仅是个护合集的新品类,更是年轻一代潮酷风格的代表。我们基于行业深度洞察,为其精准锁定品类战略重心。从品类战略、品类口号、话语体系到四大人群的五款爆品策划,从品类全新VI系统、线上商详落地到线下门店策略设计一体化全落地真正做到将策略-创意-设计一体化,为品牌商业价值赋能。

TlO Technology is an independent brand in the trendy personal care niche. The founder once stated: "TIO aims not only to create a new category in personal care but also to represent the fashion and style of the younger generation Based on in-depth industry insights, we precisely defined its category strategy. From category strategy, category branding, and discourse system to planning five explosive products for four major target groups, we implemented an integrated approach from the brand-new Vl system for the category to the detailed implementation of online product pages and offline store strategy. We truly integrated strategy,creativity,and design to empower the brand's business value.



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